An enrolment is being held for the MBA program with the ISMA University (Latvia)
For all questions, please contact to the International programs, projects and academic mobility Center (268 office)

ISMA University is a dynamically developing university - type Latvian higher education institution with rich traditions. The Graduate School with rich traditions provides future specialists with modern knowledge and skills, which are in high demand on the labour market.
ISMA successfully ensures continuing development, which nowadays is an advantage on the Latvian and European labour markets while offering competitive education, which combines both theory and practice.
Offering various professional development programmes and courses ISMA is a reliable cooperation partner for everyone who is determined to build future career, obtain new knowledge and raise professional qualification.


November 17-18, 2016. Scientific Research Institute of Economic and Legal Studies of Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz in cooperation with the Department of Education of Karaganda region will held research and project works competition-conference "Young Scientists’ Contribution to the Expo 2017". Young scientists, graduate students, students of universities, colleges and schools are welcome.
Works will be presented in the following areas:
Dear applicant!!!
Admission to universities of Kazakhstan is carried out on a competitive basis to the statements in accordance with the points of the certificate of UNT:
from June 20 to August 25, 2016.
Karaganda Economic University invites:
• to full-time education with a certificate of UNT 50 points or more from June 20 to August 25, 2016;
• for full-time or part-time education of the college graduates to undergo CTA from June 20 to July 9, 2016;
• to take part in the Ministry of Education's grant competition from July 23 to July 31, 2016.
• in the second degree - without examinations - from June 20 to August 25, 2016.
If the applicant (graduate of the school or college) did not receive a passing score (50 points), or did not participate in the UNT or complex testing, he or she has the ability to pass the re-integration testing (in August) in order to enroll in the university on a fee basis.
Conditional Admission - Applicants who are not scored a passing grade (50 points) on the UNT or CTA (in July), and re-testing (in August), may be credited to conditional listener 1st year full-time training on a fee basis to the end of the first semester and pass ( in January), additional integration testing.
Admission of foreign citizens to study in higher educational institutions on a paid basis is carried out in the form of an interview.
Аrrives in Magistracy аnd PHD doctoral!
Implemented intake of students for adaptive courses in English.
Course starts as staffing group.
Contact the Department of postgraduate and further education office number 264.
Phone: 44-16-34 (ext 199).

22.04.2016 Department of Commodity and certification holds contest of creative works for students 1-4 course KEUK, college and graduation classes of schools of the city of Karaganda, dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Karaganda Economic University.

Dear graduates of Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsouz (KEUK) (former Karaganda Cooperative Institute by Centrosoyuz)
In 2016 K EUK marks the 50th anniversary. We ask you, the graduates of different years, who reach a high results in their work and in their careers, to inform us, as well as to inform our graduates who you communicate with, that we want to obtain information about your achievements.
On the basis of the action Plan for the implementation of anti-corruption program of the «Nur Otan» party from November 11, 2014, which was recommended by the anti-corruption coordination council and postgraduate education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in order to develop in the student diversity and youth the manifestation of intolerance and corruption signs, there were headquarters set up for the organization and conduct of the action «Clear session».
In the process of carrying out the action «Clear session» there were conducted surveys of students to identify the facts of corruption in the university, a series of lectures were made on moral norms and civic youth anti-corruption, organized seminars, meetings of the representatives of law enforcement agencies with students, held curatorial hours.
Helpline: 8 7212- 92-05-62
We congratulate the basketball team of the University for winning the "Student League" champions title of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
We congratulate the mini-football team of our university with the victory in the first round of the "Students League" in Karagady.