A large-scale vocal competition of «Two Star»

A large-scale vocal competition of «Two Star»A large-scale vocal competition of «Two Star» was held in the 26th of April by Business and Law Faculty, in the framework of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the university, in Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz. This event was attended by 5 pairs from three faculties, presenting two vocal acts. The first degree diplomas received lecturer of the department of management and logistic Mukhamedzhanovа Z. and student of IS-21k group Kabdrashev Kazbek. People's Choice Award won lecturer of the department of LRER Sarbasov B. and student of L-31k Isabayeva Alima. Nomination of «Your Face Sounds Familiar» was awarded to lecturer of the Foreign and Russian languages department Abdrahmanova S. and to the student of IR-23 group Toka Kadyrsha. Senior Lecturer of the department of Economic theory and public local administration Arkenova Zh. аnd student of IE-22 Nugmanova U. won in nomination of «The most harmonious couple». In nomination «The most creative couple» won lecturer of the department of LRER Abdulla A. and student of L-11 group Tussupova N. All participants were awarded prizes, certificates and diplomas.




A large-scale vocal competition of «Two Star» A large-scale vocal competition of «Two Star» A large-scale vocal competition of «Two Star»
A large-scale vocal competition of «Two Star»   A large-scale vocal competition of «Two Star»

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