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  • Round table on the topic: "The organization of courses for the training of tour guides in preparation for the international specialized exhibition EXPO-2017"

Round table on the topic: "The organization of courses for the training of tour guides in preparation for the international specialized exhibition EXPO-2017"

Round table on the topic: "The organization of courses for the training of tour guides in preparation for the international specialized exhibition EXPO-2017"02.25.2016 the department "Tourism and restaurant business" held a roundtable discussion with practitioners on the theme: "The organization of courses for the training of tour guides in preparation for the international specialized exhibition EXPO-2017".
Performances of participants:
1. Alzhanov D. B (Head of Tourism and Foreign Economic Relations Department of the Karaganda area of entrepreneurship) "Involvement of tourist business of the Karaganda region in the process of preparation for the EXPO-2017";
2. Zhuspekova A.K (head of the department of tourism and restaurant business KEUK.) "The role and participation of the Department of Tourism and Restaurant business in preparation for EXPO 2017";
3. Bedelbaeva M.V (Head of the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnography of the AIS.) "Training of qualified tour guides - the most important component of historical and cultural tourism";
4. Kudarinova G.S (Head excursion and methodological department of Karaganda Regional History Museum) "Guided tour of the city of Karaganda."


Round table on the topic: "The organization of courses for the training of tour guides in preparation for the international specialized exhibition EXPO-2017" Round table on the topic: "The organization of courses for the training of tour guides in preparation for the international specialized exhibition EXPO-2017"
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