• News archive
  • On November, 25 2015 by a department "banking" was conducted in gr.Ф12с business game "Brane ring", devoted to the day of "Financier".

On November, 25 2015 by a department "banking" was conducted in gr.Ф12с business game "Brane ring", devoted to the day of "Financier".

On November, 25 2015 by a department "banking" was conducted in gr.Ф12с business game  "Brane ring", devoted to the day of "Financier".Aim of realization of business game - to fasten gain knowledge on discipline "Money, credit, jars" among the students of gr.Ф- 12c.


On November, 25 2015 by a department "banking" was conducted in gr.Ф12с business game  "Brane ring", devoted to the day of "Financier". On November, 25 2015 by a department "banking" was conducted in gr.Ф12с business game  "Brane ring", devoted to the day of "Financier". On November, 25 2015 by a department "banking" was conducted in gr.Ф12с business game  "Brane ring", devoted to the day of "Financier".
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