Round table

1. Сhair of Accounting and Auditing on October 22, 2015 organised a round table that was held with the invitation of employers , graduates , students and staff of the chair on the theme: "Actual problems of harmonization of tax and accounting under IFRS"
The opening speech of a round table was given to head of the chair , Ph.D., Professor, "Accounting and audit" Madieva Kuralaj Sagnaevna .
In her speech , she thanked the employers for participation in the event , and acquainted all with the program of the round table.
2. At this round table a report issued by Ph.D., assistant professor of accounting and auditing Torshaeva Shyrynkul Maksutovna on "Problems of harmonization of the Tax Code and IFRS CIT."
3. Students and undergraduates majoring Accounting and Auditing Group UA-42 UA 41K, UA-32c, undergraduates group UA-UA-21NP and 11NP attended this round table.
4. Presentation of the financial director of LLP "InterKompyuterServis" Skorikova Vera Ivanovna the report "Problems of tax accounting under IFRS."
5. Speech by the Chief Accountant LLP "PromElektroSet" Zhalpakova Aygerim Zhomartbekova - on the topic: "Some issues of harmonization of tax and accounting under IFRS"


Round table
Электронный университет
3D тур КЭУ