Tourists have returned from the training of tourist campaign

Tourists have returned from the training of tourist campaign

Students of 1 course of a specialty "Tourism" in the period from 09.06.2015 on 20.06.2015, the last academic practice (a training hike) in tourist-recreation town "Samal" in the Ile-Alatau National Park (Almaty).
As a result of passing the practical training, students learn the basics of organizing and conducting amateur hikers, training methods and techniques for hikers. Leader of the Department of Geography Ph.D., associate professor of SU Zhetpisov and the head of the tourist and excursion center "Samal", Honored Instructor Tourism RK, Head. Department of Sports and Tourism DDYU Karaganda Karimov RO

The training campaign was a reference point in the development of the tourist The student-manager. All students have become much more courageous, to enhance the responsibility and physical training, solidarity and cohesion kolllektiva. At the head of the practice have no comments on the practice and all students receive appropriate assessment and positive in protecting report.
Students thank the university the rector Aymagambetova EB, dean of the FGF - Momyshevu FS and head of the department of tourism and restaurant business Zhuspekovu AA for their assistance in organizing and carrying out this type of practice.


Tourists have returned from the training of tourist campaign Tourists have returned from the training of tourist campaign Tourists have returned from the training of tourist campaign
Tourists have returned from the training of tourist campaign Tourists have returned from the training of tourist campaign Tourists have returned from the training of tourist campaign
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