Delegation from Kuban State Agrarian University (KubSAU) Russia (Video)

Delegation from Kuban State Agrarian University (KubSAU) Russia (Video)From 8 to 11 April delegation from Russia in the face of, professor of Kuban State Agrarian University (KubSAU) - Lipchina Nina Vladimirovna, Ulybina Lubov Konstantinovna, Tyupakova Nina Nikolaevna visited KEU. Initiator of the invitation of honorable guests was the department of "Finance, taxation and insurance."
Scientists met with the Rector of the University Aymagambetov E.B., discussed the prospects of cooperation between universities in the field of science and education, as well as showed their lectur-presentation for students and undergraduates of KEU on the development of the insurance market and the organization of the tax system of the Russian Federation, addressing the issues of socio-economic development of their region.

Professors of KubSAU participated in the round tables on the themes "National insurance markets of Kazakhstan and Russia in the general insurance space of EAEC" and "Interaction of financial and tax areas of the county-parties of EAEC", where were discussed systemic approaches to the study of problems related to the reform of the insurance and tax systems of both countries.
Universities are currently conducting joint research and planning to develop international academic exchange of students, undergraduates and teachers.

Delegation from Kuban State Agrarian University (KubSAU) Russia (Video)  Delegation from Kuban State Agrarian University (KubSAU) Russia (Video)  Delegation from Kuban State Agrarian University (KubSAU) Russia (Video)  Delegation from Kuban State Agrarian University (KubSAU) Russia (Video) 
 Delegation from Kuban State Agrarian University (KubSAU) Russia (Video)  Delegation from Kuban State Agrarian University (KubSAU) Russia (Video)  Delegation from Kuban State Agrarian University (KubSAU) Russia (Video)  Delegation from Kuban State Agrarian University (KubSAU) Russia (Video)


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