Visiting Gymnasium №1 n the framework of the «Open Day»

Visiting Gymnasium №1 n the framework of the «Open Day»Specialist of the Department of strategic development Krasnoshchekova Elena Alexsandrovna and teachers of the "Banking" department Borisova Elena Ivanovna, Yermekova Kulmariya Abdualievna organized a visit to Gymnasium №1 within the framework of "Open Day".
Teacher of the "Banking" department, docent Borisova E.I. met with the director of the Gymnasium №1 Ryabova Inna.
Docent of "Banking" department Borisova E.I. introduced the educational programs of Karaganda economic university to students of the graduating classes.
For students and their parents in the foyer of the Gymnasium №1 there was placed an advertising - informational poster about the university.


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