Mathematics Olympiad

Mathematics OlympiadNovember 8, 2014 teachers of the Department of Higher Mathematics Olympiad was held in mathematics among students in grades 9-11 comprehensive secondary schools. In the competition participated 219 students from 31 school.
According to the results of the Olympics were identified prize winner:

grade 9

1st place

Mereke Murat

46 points

Kazakh-Turkish Lyceum

2st place

Erғaliev Azamat

44 points

Kazakh-Turkish Lyceum

3st place

Turlin Dusty

37 points

Kazakh-Turkish Lyceum

grade 10

1st place

Jumabekov Yermek

42 бpoints

USI "Murager"

2st place

Darkhan Akniet

40 points

Kazakh-Turkish Lyceum

3st place

Bashenov Daniar

34 points

USI "Murager"

grade 11

1st place

Shaimukhanbetov Ajdos

47 points

USI "Daryn"

2st place

Кriwosheja Ilya

45 points

Secondary school №6 of Saran

3st place

Daria Nikitina

39 points

Lyceum №101

Нaward winners and the winners will be held by the organizing committee in the respective schools.


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 Mathematics Olympiad    Mathematics Olympiad
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