Kazakhstan-Azerbaijan: cultural and historical friendship of independent states

Kazakhstan-Azerbaijan: cultural and historical friendship of independent states

Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan have common genetic roots, traditions, language and religion. These components are the basis of relations between the two fraternal countries.

The culture of mutual assistance of our peoples long before the modern stage of independence is an example to follow.

Azerbaijanis living on the land of fraternal Kazakhstan have long been an integral part of Kazakh society. They are full-fledged citizens of Kazakhstan, contributing to the development of the country.

The atmosphere of unity and harmony in Kazakhstan all these years has given and gives Azerbaijanis the opportunity to feel comfortable and develop in a variety of directions, fully revealing their talents and potential.

That is why, on the initiative of the student activists of the Faculty of Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship, with the support of creative students of Faculty of Finance, Logistics and Digital Technologies and Faculty of Business, Law and Technology, a wonderful concert dedicated to significant events in the history of our states was organized and held.

In December, if Independence Day is celebrated in Kazakhstan, then Azerbaijan (December 31) celebrates the Day of Solidarity of Azerbaijanis around the world (declared on December 16, 1991 by Heydar Aliyev).

The students prepared bright concert performances, which were performed in Kazakh, Azerbaijani and Russian languages. The audience highly appreciated the efforts of the students, accompanying each number with a standing ovation.

The Faculty plans to continue the practice of holding events, the meaning of which is such a value as friendship of peoples.



Kazakhstan-Azerbaijan: cultural and historical friendship of independent states Kazakhstan-Azerbaijan: cultural and historical friendship of independent states Kazakhstan-Azerbaijan: cultural and historical friendship of independent states
Kazakhstan-Azerbaijan: cultural and historical friendship of independent states Kazakhstan-Azerbaijan: cultural and historical friendship of independent states Kazakhstan-Azerbaijan: cultural and historical friendship of independent states
Kazakhstan-Azerbaijan: cultural and historical friendship of independent states Kazakhstan-Azerbaijan: cultural and historical friendship of independent states Kazakhstan-Azerbaijan: cultural and historical friendship of independent states
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