Enactus Kazakhstan business collaboration forum 2023 took place

Enactus Kazakhstan business collaboration forum 2023 took place

The team of our university “Enactus Karaganda university of Kazpotrebsoyuz” took part in the forum “Enactus Kazakhstan business collaboration forum 2023”, which took place in Almaty on November 30, 2023 at the Bakshasaray Reception House.
The purpose of the business forum is to expand the opportunities of talented youth, introduce their original ideas and implement business initiatives, increase interest from the business community to support youth startups.
Students and schoolchildren from more than 50 educational institutions of the country, leading businessmen, academic leaders and young entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan presented their business plans to mentors and experts.
Our team was introduced by:

Enactus Kazakhstan business collaboration forum 2023 took place Enactus Kazakhstan business collaboration forum 2023 took place
Enactus Kazakhstan business collaboration forum 2023 took place Enactus Kazakhstan business collaboration forum 2023 took place

Dayyr Kydyrgali uly - senior lecturer of the Department of CI and IT Analytics;
Student of IS group - 22-2 Lukanin Vladislav
Student of IS group - 22-2 Koshmaganbetov Ayan
IS-23-4s group student Mazhitov Niyaz
Student of group VT-23-5pb Danil Konovalenko

The guys came up with the Face ID project. The goal of the project is to ensure information security of objects based on the implementation of the FACE ID system.
The proposed Face ID system will ensure the information security of the university; will create more comfortable conditions for students and university staff, freeing them to carry radio cards; optimizes the University's security system, etc.
This forum is an excellent chance for young people to show themselves and find support for realizing their ideas.
Based on its results, at the end of the academic year, the best teams will be able to present their social and entrepreneurial business ideas at the ENACTUS KAZAKHSTAN national cup.
We wish our team success


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