Dombra ensemble «Nazkonyr»

Dombra ensemble «Nazkonyr»

Head of dombra ensemble «Nazkonyr»

Iztileuov Salim Auezkhanuly

Cultural figure of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Education: Higher. Kurmangazy Alma-ata state Conservatory

Address: Karaganda, Akademicheskaya str. 9, Palace of culture of students

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dombra ensemble «Nazkonyr»

 Head of dombra ensemble «Nazkonyr»

Boranbayev Sapargali Zharylkasynovich

Education: Higher. Kurmangazy Alma-ata state Conservatory

Address: Karaganda, Akademicheskaya str. 9, Palace of culture of students

E-mail:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Kazakh folklorno-ethnographic ensemble "Azaar" was created from the talented students of KEUK. The ensemble is attended by students who have primary musical education playing folk instruments: dombra, kobyz, Bayan, etc., as well as without musical education, but owning the game on dombra, with beautiful voices. Ensemble "Nazkonyr" successfully perform on the stage not only of our University, but on the campaign sites of the city and district centers. Ensemble "Azor" is the winner of the Regional contest "Student spring" (Grand Prix). The leaders of the team are professional musicians with great creative experience-artists of the Academic orchestra of Kazakh folk instruments name of Tattimbet.

 Class days

in the Palace of culture of students:

Monday: 17: 00-19: 00

Wednesday: 17: 00-19: 00

Dombra ensemble «Nazkonyr» Dombra ensemble «Nazkonyr» Dombra ensemble «Nazkonyr»
Dombra ensemble «Nazkonyr» Dombra ensemble «Nazkonyr» Dombra ensemble «Nazkonyr»
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