International Student Olympiad in Management

International Student Olympiad in Management

On December 1, 2022, the International Management Olympiad was held in Gomel, the Republic of Belarus. The organizers were the Department of World and National Economy of the Belarusian Trade and Economic University of Consumer Cooperation.
2 teams participated in this Olympiad from our university: the team "777KZ09" and the team "Pyramid of Fortune". Team "777KZ09" consisting of students of the PIM-19-1 group: Bakhtyarova A.A., Zhansakalova A.B., Rakhimgulova I.B., Sarina M.N., Serik A. (supervisor Zulkharnay A.N.) according to the results of the competition, they were awarded the Diploma of the 1st degree and certificates. The team "Pyramid of Luck" consisting of students of the MN-20-1 group Doronic M.V., Dzhanaeva S.A., Rudakova V.I., Sadyrbay A.A., and students of the PIM-21-2 group Kim K.A. . (supervisor Blyalov B.E.) were awarded a certificate of participation, as well as student Sadyrbay Aruzhan took 3rd place in the individual competition.
We congratulate our students and wish them further success in their research activities!


International Student Olympiad in Management International Student Olympiad in Management International Student Olympiad in Management
International Student Olympiad in Management International Student Olympiad in Management International Student Olympiad in Management
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