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  • "The role of the university in the formation of culture and overcoming aggression in interpersonal relationships. Interdisciplinary approach".

"The role of the university in the formation of culture and overcoming aggression in interpersonal relationships. Interdisciplinary approach".

"The role of the university in the formation of culture and overcoming aggression in interpersonal relationships. Interdisciplinary approach".

On January 12-13, Professor Klishina M.V. held a lecture for the curators of FBPiT "The role of the university in the formation of culture and overcoming aggression in interpersonal relationships. Interdisciplinary approach".

The following issues were considered: aggression in interpersonal relationships; aggressive behavior and interpersonal interaction of adolescents and youth; effective forms and methods of conflict prevention, violence and cruelty in the adolescent and youth environment; bullying, mobbing, cyberbullying, cyberbullying, columbine (schoolshooting), hazing, trolling, – the main manifestations of destructiveness and aggressiveness in interpersonal interaction; the relationship between the level of aggressiveness and the type of interpersonal relationships; trainings for curators and methods " Modern forms of overcoming aggression in interpersonal relationships".

The participants were provided with the results of research conducted using the following methods: Morphological test of life values, Catell's 16-factor personality questionnaire (16-PF), Personal questionnaire of Eysenck, Questionnaire for measuring aggressive and hostile reactions of A. Bass and A. Darkey, Hostility Scale of V.V. Cook and D.M. Medley, Diagnosis of MLO Leary, Thomas questionnaire, experiment "Prisoner's Dilemma". In particular, the Bass-Darkey questionnaire is designed to identify the severity of physical, verbal, indirect aggressiveness, a tendency to irritation, negativism, resentment, suspicion, guilt.

The listeners got acquainted with the fact that physical aggression, indirect aggression, irritation and verbal aggression together form the total index of aggressive reactions, and resentment and suspicion - the index of hostility.


"The role of the university in the formation of culture and overcoming aggression in interpersonal relationships. Interdisciplinary approach". "The role of the university in the formation of culture and overcoming aggression in interpersonal relationships. Interdisciplinary approach". "The role of the university in the formation of culture and overcoming aggression in interpersonal relationships. Interdisciplinary approach".
"The role of the university in the formation of culture and overcoming aggression in interpersonal relationships. Interdisciplinary approach".   "The role of the university in the formation of culture and overcoming aggression in interpersonal relationships. Interdisciplinary approach".
"The role of the university in the formation of culture and overcoming aggression in interpersonal relationships. Interdisciplinary approach". "The role of the university in the formation of culture and overcoming aggression in interpersonal relationships. Interdisciplinary approach". "The role of the university in the formation of culture and overcoming aggression in interpersonal relationships. Interdisciplinary approach".
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