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  • Republican scientific-practical conference "National priorities for the development of education and psychology in Kazakhstan", dedicated to the 180th anniversary of Y. Altynsarin

Republican scientific-practical conference "National priorities for the development of education and psychology in Kazakhstan", dedicated to the 180th anniversary of Y. Altynsarin

Republican scientific-practical conference "National priorities for the development of education and psychology in Kazakhstan", dedicated to the 180th anniversary of Y. Altynsarin

This year in our country the 180th anniversary of the outstanding Kazakh educator Ybyray Altynsarin is widely celebrated. Our university has also made its contribution.Experience in the application of innovative technologies and teaching methods, ways to improve management in education, the historical significance of the pedagogical heritage of Y. Altynsarin and effective practices of national education, as well as the current state and trends in the development of psychological practice were discussed at the Republican scientific and practical conference "National priorities for the development of education and psychology in Kazakhstan" with international participation on November 12, 2021.The conference was organized by the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz and the State Institution "Education Department of the Karaganda region", the organizing committee of the conference - the Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work.It should be noted the high professional and scientific level, content and relevance, presented by teachers of secondary schools and TVE organizations, social educators, practicing psychologists, materials. The conference participants noted the high level of organization, the creative and lively atmosphere of the event, a large amount of useful, versatile information and practical examples. The conference became a significant event for the teaching community, educators and psychologists.

Republican scientific-practical conference "National priorities for the development of education and psychology in Kazakhstan", dedicated to the 180th anniversary of Y. AltynsarinRepublican scientific-practical conference "National priorities for the development of education and psychology in Kazakhstan", dedicated to the 180th anniversary of Y. Altynsarin

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