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  • The Department of Marketing and logistics of the Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz summed up the results of the V Cathedral student online conference "Forum of young researchers"

The Department of Marketing and logistics of the Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz summed up the results of the V Cathedral student online conference "Forum of young researchers"

The Department of Marketing and logistics of the Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz summed up the results of the V Cathedral student online conference "Forum of young researchers"

During the meeting, topical issues of various sectors of the economy were considered in the following areas:
1. Economic theory, globalization of the economy of Kazakhstan in the modern information and communication environment;;
2. Standardization and product quality management, innovation management; logistics;
3. Enterprise economy, organization and management of enterprises, branches, complexes;
4 Management, diversification, marketing, pricing.
Based on the submitted materials and the decision of the conference organizing Committee, the winners of the conference were announced:
I-th place-master's student of the Kazakh Academy of transport and communications. Tynyshpaeva "Madiyar Sultanbek with a paper on" Assessment of the prospects for using machine learning technology to forecast demand for freight railway transport in Kazakhstan "(Scientific supervisor-Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate Professor of Kazatk named after M. tynyshpaeva Murzabekova kenzhegul Absultanovna);
II place – student of the Almaty financial, legal and technological College Irtysh Zhibek work on "Monitoring the quality and safety of smoked sausage products" (Scientific supervisor - master teacher master Dzhumabekova G. sh.;
III place – student of Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz Novels of Herman's work on the topic: "problems of entrepreneurship in the Republic of Kazakhstan" (Scientific supervisor-magsar, teacher Privalova O. A.);
III-th place - student of Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz Fathullina Ruzanna with a paper on the topic: "automation of logistics processes "(Supervisor-Ph. D., associate Professor Mazhitova S. K.). based on the conference.

The Department of Marketing and logistics of the Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz summed up the results of the V Cathedral student online conference "Forum of young researchers" The Department of Marketing and logistics of the Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz summed up the results of the V Cathedral student online conference "Forum of young researchers"
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