"I international distance Olympiad in financial technologies"

"I international distance Olympiad in financial technologies"

The first international distance Olympiad on financial technologies was held at the Karaganda state University named after academician E. A. Buketov. The purpose of the International Olympiad is to improve the quality of training of qualified specialists, develop students 'creative abilities, and increase students' interest in academic activities and future profession.
Teams of University students from Kazakhstan, far and near abroad took part in the Olympiad. According to the results of the Olympiad, students of the 2nd year of the specialty "Finance" gr. F18-2 Nurgalieva Dayana, Sigayeva Diana, Malyshev Andrey, Gafurova Sabina took the 3rd place in the group competition. Scientific supervisor: master, senior lecturer Idirissova Ainaziya Tulegenovna.
Congratulations to our winners!

 "I international distance Olympiad in financial technologies"

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