«Youth and Science: a New Vision and Dialectic of Development»

«Youth and Science: a New Vision and Dialectic of Development»

On April 9-10, 2020, Karaganda Economic University held the V International Meeting of Students "Modern Youth: Building Innovations - Strive for the Future."
As part of the meeting, the Faculty of Finance, Logistics and Digital Technologies organized the section work of the International Scientific and Practical Conference of Doctoral Students, Candidates for a Master`s Degree and Students on April 10, 2020: "Youth and Science: a New Vision and Dialectic of Development." In connection with the state of emergency introduced in Kazakhstan, the section session was held for the first time using remote technologies. The section heard presentations by students of the specialties "Information Systems," Computing Systems and Software, "Finance," Logistics, "Accounting and Audit." The speakers presented current issues on the use of digital technologies in production and education. Industry 4.0, digitalisation of the financial market in modern conditions of economic development, problems and prospects of services development, accounting, analysis and auditing issues in modern conditions and application of mathematical methods in analysis and simulation of modern processes.


«Youth and Science: a New Vision and Dialectic of Development» «Youth and Science: a New Vision and Dialectic of Development»
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