FEM students discussed the Message of the President

FEM students discussed the Message of the President

October 31 this year at the university from 15:00 to 16:00 hours, the Department of Economic Theory and State Medical University held a round table among the students of FEM on the theme “Five social initiatives of the President”. The main topics of the Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan “New development opportunities in the fourth industrial revolution” of January 10, 2018 were discussed in the round table.
At this event, students listened to reports and asked questions about issues of interest. According to the results of the round-table discussion, an expert group of students identified the best speakers:
Diploma of 1 degree: Zholdybai A. SLG-31k.
Diploma of 2 degrees: Elubaeva S. IR-13sk. Zeynurov B. SLG-31k.
Diploma of 3 degrees: Bügen D., Kanat A. SLG-31k.


FEM students discussed the Message of the President FEM students discussed the Message of the President
FEM students discussed the Message of the President FEM students discussed the Message of the President
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