The young leaders in realization the Program “Rukhani zhangyru”.

The young leaders in realization the Program “Rukhani zhangyru”.

29 March, 2018. In the House of Friendship hosted the regional scientific and practical conference “Formation of the personality of young leaders of ethno-cultural associations through the modernization of public consciousness”, organized by the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan of Karaganda region, KSU “Kogamdyk kelisim” of the governor of Karaganda region. The conference was attended by representatives of government agencies, universities and colleges of the region, ethno-cultural associations of Karaganda region.
At the plenary session, the head of the Department of “Social work and the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan” KEUK c.p.s., associate Professor Abdakimova M.K. made a report.
Abdakimova M.K. in his report revealed the importance of the development of charity and volunteerism among the youth to implement the Program “Rukhani zhangyru” and five social initiatives of the President of RK N.A. Nazarbayev.
Abdakimova M.K. also acted as the moderator of the section №3 “Value orientations of leaders of ethnocultural associations”, according to the results of the conference were elaborated and adopted a resolution.
Students of specialties “Social work” and “Basics of law and economics” took part in the work of sections of the regional scientific and practical conference.

The young leaders in realization the Program “Rukhani zhangyru”. The young leaders in realization the Program “Rukhani zhangyru”.
The young leaders in realization the Program “Rukhani zhangyru”. The young leaders in realization the Program “Rukhani zhangyru”.
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