Visit to the Friendship House of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan in the Karaganda Region

Visit to the Friendship House of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan in the Karaganda RegionOn May 4, 2017, in the framework of the discipline "Interethnic Relations and Separatism" studied, senior teachers Baigozhin GM, Shukusheva EV With students gr. MO-31, MO-32 visited the House of Friendship of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan in the Karaganda region. Currently, 74 ethnocultural associations are functioning in our oblast, united in one large family - the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan in the Karaganda region. The students got acquainted with their activities, learned a lot about the traditions, history and culture of the peoples living in our region.


Visit to the Friendship House of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan in the Karaganda Region Visit to the Friendship House of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan in the Karaganda Region
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