Plenary Session of VI Ural demographic forum "Demographic processes on the post-soviet space"

Plenary Session of VI Ural demographic forum "Demographic processes on the post-soviet space"On June 15 at 10.00 o'clock in the main building of the Legislative Assembly of Sverdlovsk region together with the Institute of Economics of UB RAS (Ekaterinburg c.), a plenary session of the VI Ural demographic Forum "Demographic processes on the post-Soviet space" was held. As one of the co-organizers of this scientific event in the framework of a cooperation agreement became Karaganda Economic University. The organizing committee of the conference was presented by the Rector of our University, professor Aymagambetov E.B.
At the plenary session with welcome speech performed prorector for scientific work Taubaev A.A. Moderator of the Plenary Session Director of the Institute of Economics of UB RAS, RAS Academician, Tatarkin A.I. on behalf of the conference organizers handed to rector KEUK, Professor Aymagambetov E.B. the letter of grattitude in which in addition to gratitude for his help in organizing this event on such a high level, also were suggestions on the further development of scientific and educational cooperation between the regions of Russia and Kazakhstan through such joint activities.
This trip of the prorector for scientific work,, Taubaev A.A. was organized in the framework and at the expense of the grant of the Committee of Science MES on "National innovational systems of the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union: mechanisms of development, the prerequisites of interaction and prospects of integration», state registration № 0115RK01823.


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