International scientific and practical seminar "Environmental literacy and environmental culture in modern society"

International scientific and practical seminar "Environmental literacy and environmental culture in modern society"

On November 22, the University hosted an international scientific and practical seminar "Environmental literacy and environmental culture in modern society" within the framework of the Erasmus + Jean Monnet Module No. 101127488 project "Modern eco-technologies for sustainable development" experience of the EU and Kazakhstan countries".

The seminar featured presentations from leading experts in the field of ecology, including representatives of the Union of Young Naturalists, the EcoJer Association, EcoProf KZ, Ecomuseum, etc.

Invited guest Tatyana Lanshina, PhD, Project Manager International at Agora Energiewende (Berlin) made a presentation on the topic "European Green Course and new opportunities for Kazakhstan"

. The seminar served as an excellent platform for discussing the problems of environmental education and improving environmental literacy.

At the end of the seminar, Tatyana Lanshina gave a lecture for students of the 1st-4th courses of the Ecology Department on the topic: "Energy transition in the world and in Kazakhstan". The lecture participants immersed themselves in the experience of the EU countries and Kazakhstan in the field of environmentally sustainable development.


Victory in the competition at Moscow University named after S.Yu. Witte

Victory in the competition at Moscow University named after S.Yu. Witte

Students of our university educational program “Project-Innovation Management” and “Management” Mikhail Stepanov, Islam Rakhimgulov, Nurilla Akbaraliev, under the scientific guidance of Ph.D., Professor Anna Anatolyevna Legostaeva, took part in the competition for the best student scientific work on the topic “Current directions for the development of management and marketing in the era of digitalization”, which took place at Moscow University named after S.Yu. Witte.

Scientific works of students from higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation and neighboring countries were submitted to the competition.

Competitive works were evaluated according to 5 criteria:

– relevance and importance of the considered problems for theory and practice;

– completeness (depth) of disclosure (elaboration) of the problem (topic);

– reasoning and validity of conclusions;

– practical significance and originality of ideas and results obtained;

– quality of work execution and compliance with requirements.

Our students presented a competitive work on the topic “Complex solution for the implementation of Project management (using the example of a small manufacturing enterprise) and took an honorable third place.

We congratulate the team and the manager and wish further success and new victories.

Dear faculty staff and students!

Dear faculty staff and students!

The library of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsouz informs that our university has an access to the EBSCO company databases of scientific publications!

Business Sources Complete is a database of full-text journals and other types of publications in the field of Economics and Business. The database contains 3 719 full-text scientific journals and 35 248 other publications: profiles of companies from around the world, industry reports, SWOT analyzes of companies, market research reports, economic development reviews of the countries, business cases, books/monographs, periodicals, etc. The database indexes over 7 478 scientific publications of over 2,550 publishing houses from 92 countries in total. Scientific publications cover more than 760 subject areas in the field of Economics, Management, Finance, Trade, Commerce, Banking, Investment, Marketing, Accounting, Sales, HR Management, Law, etc.

Ebook Business Subscription Collection is a subscription collection of e-books in the field of Economics, Business, Management, Leadership, Business Ethics, Marketing, Finance, HR, Sales, Business Law, etc., which contains over 24 000 e-books from such leading world publishing houses as Yale University Press, Oxford University Press, Princeton University Press, Harvard University Press, Stanford University Press, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, John Wiley, Taylor & Francis, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Kogan Page and others.

Access to the database is via the link

Access to the platform at the university is via the IP address, i.e. no passwords are required.

If you work remotely, for example at home or in a dorm, you should enter your username and password.


Preliminary competition of student projects

Preliminary competition of student projects

On November 30, 2023, a preliminary selection of student projects was organized and conducted by the staff of the Scientific Research Institute of Economic and Legal Studies at the educational center of the library of the Karaganda Kazpotrebsoyuz University.

This event was timed to coincide with the annual Competition of innovative student projects "Demo Day III", which will be held on December 14, 2023.

The members of the commission evaluated the presented presentations of student projects according to the following criteria: the novelty of the project idea, the clarity of the goal and task, the quality of marketing research and financial and economic calculations, risk assessment, the level of use of software products, etc. Recommendations and suggestions for improving their quality were given for each project.


Information day “Academic mobility: Study opportunities abroad and in Kazakhstan”

Information day “Academic mobility: Study opportunities abroad and in Kazakhstan”

On November 23-24, 2023, International Programs, Projects and Academic Mobility Center of our university organized the Information Day “Academic Mobility: Study Opportunities Abroad and in Kazakhstan”.

All interested students of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz took part in the organized event. Deputy Director of the International Programs, Projects and Academic Mobility Center Aitova Zariya Bulatovna spoke in detail about academic mobility programs for studying at universities in Europe, Russia, Southeast Asia, as well as the possibilities of internal academic mobility.

Information was also provided on the competitive selection for participation in academic mobility, deadlines for submitting documents, rules for selecting candidates, materials are presented on the official website of the university in the “Cooperation” section.

Students can apply for participation in academic mobility programs through the Center’s Instagram (@international_kazpotrebsoyuz) or by personally contacting the International Programs, Projects and Academic Mobility Center of Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz (room 268).

Achievements of our debate clubs

Achievements of our debate clubs

The debate movement, widely spread among the younger generation, is now becoming a free platform for young people to openly express their thoughts. For patriotic citizens who are not indifferent to the future of our country, debates are a means of development and growth, personal formation.

Our teams have achieved certain results, namely:

October 21, 2023 – the team of our university, students of FEUP, the Russian league of Vilkyalite Ellona, Shushmarkin Evgeny took the honorable first place in the city debate tournament among universities of the Karaganda region for the cup of the Akim of the city of Karaganda. The winners were awarded with diplomas, the cup of the Akim of the city of Karaganda and a cash certificate in the amount of 75,000 tenge.

November 11, 2023 – the team of our university, students of FBPiT, the Kazakh league of Sakenkyzy Aiganym, Seidakhmet Azat took second place in the regional debate tournament dedicated to the 355th anniversary of Bukhar-Zhyrau Kalkamanuly. 32 teams took part in the event. The winners were awarded commemorative diplomas, medals and a cash certificate in the amount of 100,000 tenge.

November 20, 2023 – the team of our university, students of FBPiT, Kazakh league Sakenkyzy Aiganym, Kabdulhamitov Nurbek, Mukhametzhanova Nazerke, Tattibayeva Periizat took second place in the republican debate tournament "IV President's Cup", held at Toraighyrov University. The event was attended by 80 people from 40 regions.

Congratulations to our debaters on winning prizes!

This is a great achievement for young people seeking to gain an active life position in society, broaden their horizons and erudition!

Meeting with the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan Sayasat Nurbek

Meeting with the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan Sayasat Nurbek

A student of our university, Faculty of Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship, deputy of the Student Parliament, leader of the Alliance of Students Tulenova Malika took part in the meeting of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan Sayasat Nurbek with representatives of the Youth Affairs Council at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which took place on November 15 at Satbayev University.
The event was attended by members of the Republican Student Council, regional chairmen of the Alliance of Students of Kazakhstan, active students of student self-government organizations and regional student ombudsmen.
During the meeting, the Minister addressed active youth and students' rights commissioners and noted that student time is the best time when young people can realize themselves in studies, science, public life and startups.
The Minister of Internal Affairs noted that the current youth of the republic is educated, creative and talented. It was noted that the main task of the state is to help develop the potential of young people, create better conditions for realizing their talents and demonstrating results to the whole society.
As part of the official part of the Council meeting, the Head of the Department presented letters of thanks to the regional ombudsmen and expressed gratitude for the work done in the direction of youth policy.

Winning the video contest "Your 'No!' matters"

Winning the video contest "Your 'No!' matters"

On October 25, 2023, the anticorruption forum "Your "No!" was held, organized by the Department of Youth Policy of the Karaganda region together with the Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Combating Corruption in the Karaganda region. Within the framework of the forum, the results of the regional anti-corruption video contest "Your "No!" matters" were summed up.

According to the results of the competition, the work of a student of the Faculty of Finance, Logistics and Digital Technologies, Chairman of the Student Parliament of the University Eginbai Muhamedkaly became the best of 65 videos. Prizes and diplomas were awarded by Deputy Akim of the region Kusayyn E.B. and First Deputy Head of the Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Combating Corruption in the Karaganda region Arystanbekov A.A.

The main purpose of the event is to instill intolerance to corruption among young people, to talk about methods of fighting corruption and to explain what the consequences of corrupt actions are. Holding such events arouses genuine public interest in the problem of combating corruption.

In such a creative format, the youth expressed their opinion about the negative consequences of corruption situations, about anti-corruption measures and the problems of their implementation.

Thanks to the initiatives of young people, new ideas and technologies are being put into practice, new views on solving urgent problems are emerging.

Congratulations to Eginbai Muhamedkaly and wish you creative ideas and creative inspiration!


Intellectual game "I am an ecologist"

Intellectual game "I am an ecologist"

Currently, the problems of ecology and environmental conservation are increasingly important and relevant in society. On November 21, 2023, an intellectual game "I am an ecologist" was held at our university.

School students were happy to take part in interesting contests and quizzes of an Intellectual game dedicated to ecology and environmental protection. The event was attended by more than 100 students from 24 schools and 4 colleges of the city of Karaganda and the Karaganda region.

The game "I am an ecologist" promotes the development of logical thinking, improving communication skills and the ability to work in a team. These skills are important, especially when solving complex environmental problems that often require collaboration and teamwork.

ҚР Білім және ғылым министрлігінің ғылыми жобасын іске асыру жоспары бойынша іссапар (2)

ҚР Білім және ғылым министрлігінің ғылыми жобасын іске асыру жоспары бойынша іссапар (2)

As part of the implementation of the scientific project "Criminal law and criminological measures to ensure safety during mining or construction work" IRN AR 19675171 in the period from October 22 to 30, 2023, a business trip of members of the research group Abieva E.S. (Master of law, senior lecturer) took place and Mazhit I.B. (Master's student) in Zhezkazgan.

In accordance with the implementation plan of the grant project of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, meetings were held with the Vice-rector for Academic Affairs of JSC "Zhezkazgan University named after O.A. Baikonurov", the General director of the corporation "Kazakhmys" Baynyazov Zh.T., the head of safety of the corporation "Kazakhmys" Daurykbaev M., the management of the construction organization LLP "Kazakhmys" Butkova T.N., chairman of the city court G. Satpayev S.T. Isabaev, chairman of the city court G. Zhezkazgan Shortanbaev Zh.B., Deputy head of the Investigation and Inquiry Department of the Police Department of the region Ulytau Zhampeisov S.A., the leadership of the district police department of Zhezkazgan Saduakasov A.S., the leadership of the city police Department ofSatpayev Mnaidarov A.R.

The participants of the research group conducted a survey of employees on the developed questionnaire for the organization of the safety of these types of work.

Also, statistical data on terminated criminal cases initiated under Article 277 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan were studied, regulatory documents regulating the safety of labor protection, the organization of safety of employees of mining and construction works of the corporation were studied.

In total, during the business trip, materials were collected and processed:

criminal cases – 5; court verdicts – 3; discontinued criminal case materials – 4; a survey was conducted of 10 employees of mining and construction enterprises, 15 investigators and interrogators, 4 judges.


Olympiad on History of Kazakhstan

Olympiad on History of Kazakhstan

On November 25, 2023, a subject Olympiad on the History of Kazakhstan was held among schoolchildren in the city of Karaganda at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz. The goal of the Olympiad was to identify and develop interest in the history of Kazakhstan, as well as to involve school students in the study of the history of Kazakhstan. In total, over 80 students from more than 20 schools took part in the Olympiad.

The Olympiad was held in 2 stages: essay writing and an intellectual game. Based on the results of the Olympiad, the competition jury determined the winners:

I-place: Kairatov Azizkhan (School named after B. Momyshuly) and Rabatuly Islam (school № 48)

II place: Askarova Zarina (School named after Zh. Tashenova) and Abilova Laura (School-Lyceum named after A. Ermekov)

III place: Amanzhol Nurasyl (school № 25) and Tashkenbaeva Malika (Gymnasium № 97).

 Congratulations to the winners and wish further success!


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