Annual startup project contest «DEMO DAY III»

Annual startup project contest «DEMO DAY III»

On December 14, 2023, the Research Institute of Economic and Legal Studies of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz held the annual Competition of innovative student projects «Demo Day III». University students presented their projects in the field of information technology, social entrepreneurship, etc.

The projects met all the requirements such as the novelty of the business idea, the clarity of the task statement, the quality of marketing research and financial and economic calculations, the validity of risk assessment, the level of use of software products for the preparation of a business plan.

As a result of the commission's decision, the winners and prize-winners of «Demo Day III» were awarded with diplomas and valuable gifts.

We sincerely congratulate all participants of the contest, their managers and wish them further success in further promotion of innovative projects.

Students of our university won prizes at the international Management Olympiad

Students of our university won prizes at the international Management Olympiad

Students of our university won prizes at the international Management Olympiadtudents of our university won prizes at the International Management Olympiad on December 7, 2023, students of our university took part in the international Management Olympiad among students and college students, which was held at the Belarusian University of Trade and Economics of Consumer Cooperation (Gomel). The Olympiad was attended by teams of students from partner universities in Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus.

Our teams have demonstrated a high level of managerial knowledge, creative thinking and the ability to solve practical problems. Thus, we have achieved outstanding results:


Kazakhstan-Azerbaijan: cultural and historical friendship of independent states

Kazakhstan-Azerbaijan: cultural and historical friendship of independent states

Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan have common genetic roots, traditions, language and religion. These components are the basis of relations between the two fraternal countries.

The culture of mutual assistance of our peoples long before the modern stage of independence is an example to follow.

Azerbaijanis living on the land of fraternal Kazakhstan have long been an integral part of Kazakh society. They are full-fledged citizens of Kazakhstan, contributing to the development of the country.

The atmosphere of unity and harmony in Kazakhstan all these years has given and gives Azerbaijanis the opportunity to feel comfortable and develop in a variety of directions, fully revealing their talents and potential.

That is why, on the initiative of the student activists of the Faculty of Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship, with the support of creative students of Faculty of Finance, Logistics and Digital Technologies and Faculty of Business, Law and Technology, a wonderful concert dedicated to significant events in the history of our states was organized and held.

In December, if Independence Day is celebrated in Kazakhstan, then Azerbaijan (December 31) celebrates the Day of Solidarity of Azerbaijanis around the world (declared on December 16, 1991 by Heydar Aliyev).

The students prepared bright concert performances, which were performed in Kazakh, Azerbaijani and Russian languages. The audience highly appreciated the efforts of the students, accompanying each number with a standing ovation.

The Faculty plans to continue the practice of holding events, the meaning of which is such a value as friendship of peoples.


Enactus Kazakhstan business collaboration forum 2023 took place

Enactus Kazakhstan business collaboration forum 2023 took place

The team of our university “Enactus Karaganda university of Kazpotrebsoyuz” took part in the forum “Enactus Kazakhstan business collaboration forum 2023”, which took place in Almaty on November 30, 2023 at the Bakshasaray Reception House.
The purpose of the business forum is to expand the opportunities of talented youth, introduce their original ideas and implement business initiatives, increase interest from the business community to support youth startups.
Students and schoolchildren from more than 50 educational institutions of the country, leading businessmen, academic leaders and young entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan presented their business plans to mentors and experts.
Our team was introduced by:

December events of 1986 - the path to the beginning of Independence

December events of 1986 - the path to the beginning of Independence

On December 12, 2023, a round table was held within the walls of our university on the topic “December events of 1986 - the path to the beginning of Independence.” The conference participants spoke about the need to reveal the true essence of this event and discussed its role in the formation of independent Kazakhstan.

The events of December 1986 became a vivid example of mass popular protest against dictatorship and totalitarianism. The uprising led to the awareness of the Kazakh nation and the multinational people of Kazakhstan of their own political values ​​and interests and the understanding that the responsibility for peace and stability in the country lies with the Kazakh people themselves.

The round table was attended by teachers of the Department of Social and Political Disciplines and the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan and students of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsouz. The moderator of the round table was the head of the department of “Socio-political disciplines and the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan”, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Nurlan Adilbaevich Minzhanov.

Round table within the framework of the annual Forum of Scientists, top managers of Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus and Uzbekistan

Round table within the framework of the annual Forum of Scientists, top managers of Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus and Uzbekistan

On December 7, 2023, as part of the annual Forum of scientists from partner universities, top managers of the business community of Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus and Uzbekistan, a round table consisting of four blocks was held at the university.

The event was attended by:

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow)

Republic of Belarus, Minsk

Russian State University for the Humanities (Moscow)

Kazan State Energy University (Tatarstan)


Visit of a delegation from a Chinese university as part of cooperation with QazTehna

Visit of a delegation from a Chinese university as part of cooperation with QazTehna

On December 11, 2023, a visit was made by the delegation of the Henan Transport Vocational College (China, Zhengzhou) represented by President Jiao Hongtao, Secretary of the Party General Branch of the Automobile School Xuan Zhaozhen and the head of the training center of JSC “Yutong” Li Yonghao with the participation of head of the corporate university LLP “QazTehna” - Aitbaev A.S., head of the HR Department LLP “QazTehna” - Rakhimzhanov A.R.
The meeting was dedicated to discussing opportunities and prospects for cooperation through an open dialogue between the academic community, private companies and foreign partners.
Academic partnerships between universities, private companies and foreign organizations expand opportunities for the exchange of knowledge and experience, allow for the initiation of joint research and development of new technologies, and also affect the career opportunities of students. Joint projects contribute to the growth and development of the industry, as well as the improvement of education systems, positively impacting the economy and society as a whole.

Opening of the English speaking club “Conversation Hub” on the basis of the Center for Multilingual Education

Opening of the English speaking club “Conversation Hub” on the basis of the Center for Multilingual Education

December 8th of 2023, the technical opening of the speaking club “Conversation Hub” took place at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz! “Conversation Hub” is a club for those who actively learn English and who lack practice.
English speaking club has opened its doors to all interested students, teachers and staff of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz. This technical discovery has become a kind of bridge connecting people with different levels of language proficiency. “Conversation Hub” offers various meeting formats: from informal discussions to specialized classes at the university’s VR-Lab. The club can also offer resources to help participants develop skills not only in speaking practice, but also in listening and reading in English.
The staff of the Center for Multilingual Education Zhansaya M. Zhangabulova. and Ainur K. Shakhshina held the first meeting with the members of the club (levels from Pre-Intermediate to Advanced) on the topic “Introductory class: Greetings. Names”. This is a wonderful opportunity for people of all levels, ranging from intermediate to advanced, to share knowledge, ideas and experiences.
Meetings will be held every two Fridays of the month from December 2023 to May 2024.
Additional information can be obtained through the Instagram account of the CME (@multilingual_kazpotrebsoyuz) or by personally contacting the Center for Multilingual Education of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz (office 281).

Information Day of the Center for Multilingual Education on the topic “Educational Courses of Foreign Languages”

Information Day of the Center for Multilingual Education on the topic “Educational Courses of Foreign Languages”

4th and 8th of December, 2023 informational days aimed at university students, as well as applicants wishing to enroll in doctoral studies, were held at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz. The event featured presentation of educational courses of state and foreign languages, as well as other intensive programs. The director of the Center for Multilingual Education Zhansaya M. Zhangabulova, and the center’s senior methodologist Marina A. Assanova introduced diverse courses, outlined teaching methodologies, and shared insights into the opportunities and advantages of intensive educational courses. The event enabled participants to gain information about available courses, their structure, timelines, and participation conditions, sparking considerable interest among attendees preparing to elevate their language proficiency levels.

The Department of Ecology and Assessment held a number of events

The Department of Ecology and Assessment held a number of events

As part of the career guidance work, on November 29 this year, an intellectual game "Assessment activities in the development of the economy of Kazakhstan" was held at the university for students of grades 9-11 of secondary schools in the Karaganda region.

The main objectives of the intellectual game were: identification and development of creative abilities of students of educational institutions, stimulation of their educational and cognitive activities and assistance to them in professional orientation and continuing education.

The game was held in 3 stages: business card; presentation of the specialty; blitz tournament.

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