Victory in the competition at Moscow University named after S.Yu. Witte

Victory in the competition at Moscow University named after S.Yu. Witte

Students of our university educational program “Project-Innovation Management” and “Management” Mikhail Stepanov, Islam Rakhimgulov, Nurilla Akbaraliev, under the scientific guidance of Ph.D., Professor Anna Anatolyevna Legostaeva, took part in the competition for the best student scientific work on the topic “Current directions for the development of management and marketing in the era of digitalization”, which took place at Moscow University named after S.Yu. Witte.

Scientific works of students from higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation and neighboring countries were submitted to the competition.

Competitive works were evaluated according to 5 criteria:

– relevance and importance of the considered problems for theory and practice;

– completeness (depth) of disclosure (elaboration) of the problem (topic);

– reasoning and validity of conclusions;

– practical significance and originality of ideas and results obtained;

– quality of work execution and compliance with requirements.

Our students presented a competitive work on the topic “Complex solution for the implementation of Project management (using the example of a small manufacturing enterprise) and took an honorable third place.

We congratulate the team and the manager and wish further success and new victories.

Электронный университет
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