"Career Festival-2023" - The path to success begins here!"

"Career Festival-2023" - The path to success begins here!"

More than 70 state, private and public organizations of the region took part in the "Career Festival -2023", held on November 23 at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.
Its main idea is to assist university graduates in determining their professional trajectory, employers in finding professional personnel for their company, informing students about vacancies and internship opportunities.
The Career Festival is a unique platform where students and graduates can meet with representatives of leading companies in the region in real life, discuss all their questions about working conditions, available vacancies, internship and internship opportunities.
For the first time, competitions were held within the framework of the festival in the following categories: "Top employee-graduate", "My business idea", "Best express interview".
In the nomination "Top employee-graduate" the winners were:
- Chief technologist of SaryArka Nas Karaganda LLP, graduate of the 2019 educational program "Technology of food products" Dalibayeva Laila Zhartybaevna.
- Deputy Director of CF JSC "Bank CenterCredit", 2017 graduate of the educational program "Finance" Dyusenov Rustam Kakimzhanovich.
- Akim of the Abai rural district, 2017 graduate of the educational program "State and Local Government" Kirey Vladislav Dmitrievich.
Babakova Balym, a student of the Faculty of Business, Law and Technology of the CCI-22-3 group, won in the nomination "My Business Idea" with the idea of creating and using the Meat king device.
The solemn ceremony of awarding the winners was held in the conference hall of the university with the participation of the rector of the University, Doctor of Economics, Professor Aimagambetov E.B. "Our festival is a unique opportunity for graduates to establish contacts with employers, and for companies to discover new talents," says Rector of the University Aimagambetov E.B.
The Career Festival is not only a way to find a job or a place to practice for young professionals, but also a chance for employers to strengthen the company's talent pool.
"Meetings like today's help attract promising young specialists to the company, evaluate their professional potential, allow graduates to feel freer, better reveal their talents. It is especially pleasant to observe the activity and personal interest of the participants," said Janelle Sagitova, Director of the Career and Professional Development Center.


"Career Festival-2023" - The path to success begins here!" "Career Festival-2023" - The path to success begins here!" "Career Festival-2023" - The path to success begins here!"
"Career Festival-2023" - The path to success begins here!" "Career Festival-2023" - The path to success begins here!" "Career Festival-2023" - The path to success begins here!"
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