Classes of Doctor of Economics, Professor S.N. Grishkina within the framework of academic mobility

Classes of Doctor of Economics, Professor S.N. Grishkina within the framework of academic mobility

From December 20 to December 28, 2023, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Department of Audit and Corporate Reporting of the Faculty of Taxes, Audit and Business Analysis of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia), Svetlana Nikolaevna Grishkina, spent as part of the academic mobility program in remote format for students and teachers of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz lectures on the topics: “Representation of sustainable business development in corporate reporting” and “Architecture of modern corporate reporting and trends in its development.”

During the lecture, key aspects were discussed, such as:

- the role and purpose of corporate reporting in the information presentation of sustainable business development;

- architecture of modern corporate reporting;

- international and Russian national principles;

- standards and recommendations in the field of preparation and presentation of reporting information on the economic, environmental, social and management aspects of sustainable development of companies.


Classes of Doctor of Economics, Professor S.N. Grishkina within the framework of academic mobility Classes of Doctor of Economics, Professor S.N. Grishkina within the framework of academic mobility
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