Студенты КЭУ не упускают возможностей участвовать в международных программах. Одной из таких программ является программа академической мобильности студентов ERASMUS MUNDUS, которая дает возможность студентам увидеть другую страну, обучаться по новой для себя системе образования, встретить множество различных людей с разных стран и многое многое другое. Эльмира Каримгожина - магистрантка Карагандинского экономического университета Казпотребсоюза, участвовала в этой программе, в рамках которой обучалась в Мендельском Университете, г. Брно, Чешская Республика. Мы, конечно же, попросили Эльмиру рассказать о своих впечатлениях. Вот что она нам рассказала:

Интенсивная программа по КСО

Презентация страны (Казахстан)



My name is Elmira Karimgozhina. I was a Master student at Karaganda Economic University during the last two years. My specialization is Public administration. In first year of my study here I had an opportunity to participate in Erasmus Mundus Program Lot 9. It was a big experience for me to be in competition with well-skilled and educated students in order to win this European scholarship. “If you want to make your dreams come true, the first thing you have to do is wake up” (J.M. Power) That is true. I could do that.

I was selected by Mendel University in Brno, Czech Republic. It was founded on 24 July 1919 and now consists of five faculties and one institute - the Faculty of Agronomy, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology, Faculty of Business and Economics, Faculty of Horticulture, Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies and Institute of Lifelong Education. It is named since 1994 after Gregor Mendel, the botanist and "father of genetics", who was active in this city during his lifetime.

I studied at the Faculty of Business and Economics, specialization European studies in Business and Economics during the 2011-2012 academic years. It was a big life-experience, professional-experience and good opportunity to meet with new culture not only Czech, but also other European cultures, people, knowledge, professors etc. I participated in different intensive programs at Mendel University and also one of the important things is that, I had my scientific-research practice in the Research Center of the Faculty of Business and Economics on my research thesis theme. It helped me on my dissertation work. There were a lot of activities for international students, like Country presentations, free Czech language courses and different kind of excursions to the small towns and villages of Czech Republic.

Karaganda Economic University is one of the best universities in our country and I’m proudly say that at this university you can realize your dreams, to take good knowledge, participate in different activities, to go abroad as an exchange student and make you future bright.

Welcome to Karaganda Economic University!!!

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