"With a diploma to the village", "Youth Practice" and "Youth Human Resources"

 "With a diploma to the village", "Youth Practice" and "Youth Human Resources"  "With a diploma to the village", "Youth Practice" and "Youth Human Resources"  "With a diploma to the village", "Youth Practice" and "Youth Human Resources"

It is not possible for all graduates to find a job after graduating from the university. Employer is most often interested in hiring an employee with work experience. In this case, yesterday's graduates come to the aid of the state, implementing the program "With a diploma to the village", "Youth Practice" and "Youth Human Resources".

“Youth practice” program for alumni of High Education Organizations

For getting experience after graduation the state offers graduates for a six-month youth practice.
For this purpose an alumni (under 29 years of age) applies to the employment center by the local administration of its city (district). After that the employment center enters the data on the graduate into a common database of specialists and distributes it among the employers' companies in the degree program.
The employment center makes an employment agreement with graduates for six months. The working day is determined in accordance with the employment contract by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The monthly salary of participants in the program aimed at youth practice consist for 18 monthly calculation indicators (without deduction of taxes, compulsory social contributions, compensation for unused vacation and banking services).
If employer finds you suitable for his company as an employee at the time of practice - he is entitled to take you on a regular job. This option will be the most acceptable for a young specialist without experience, but don’t lose sight of the fact that in practice it is desirable to prove yourself and show your professional skills.
The program is designed specifically for getting by graduates their initial experience in the profession they received.

For participation in this program graduate need:

1. Apply to the Employment Center under the local administration of your city or district.
2. Register as unemployed (age is not older than 29 years).
3. Submit documents:
• identity card;
• diploma;
• house register or Address reference;
• a contract from a pension fund;
• the current personal account from the Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan;
• a health certificate F086-U.

Besides in accordance to the program realization “Employment road map 2020” is forming a high education professional organizations database and creating “Youth employment bureau” single informational portal, “The job” informational portal.

“With the diploma - to the village”

For students who graduated from university in the following specialties:
• education;
• health care service;
• social security;
• culture and sport;
• veterinary science,
The state offers a work in the rural areas with appropriate social support. Social support for young professionals includes:
• granting of a one-time first settlement allowance in the amount of 70 MCI;
• granting of a budget credit for the acquisition and construction of the house for a 15 years period with a rate of 0.01% in the amount of 1500 MCI;
• increasing in the official salary no less than 25% of the tariff rates (in urban areas) to institutions specialists of social sphere located in the rural areas.

To participate in the program you need:

• independently find a job in your chosen locality (rural school, hospital, House of Culture, sports complexes, etc.);
• the candidate submits an application for participation in the program to the district commission, when entering employment;
• you can apply to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan or to the responsible workers in the regions, if there is no possibility of independent job search;
• data on the needs of personnel in the regions are posted on the websites of the regional akimat administrations.

List of documents for participation in the project:
• application form;
• copy of the identity document;
• copy of the employment book, certified by the personnel service for the new work place;
• copy of the birth registration book (house register) or address reference confirming residence in the relevant settlement;
• copy of the diploma;
• preliminary contract for the purchase and sale of housing in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
• act of real estate assessing (for obtaining a budget loan);
• act on the right to use the land plot provided for the construction of housing.
It should be noted within the framework of the project “With the diploma to the village”, 24 577 specialists were involved in rural settlements of the republic within three years.

The “Youth personnel reserve” program
The “Youth personnel reserve” project has been implemented with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the “Nur Otan” NDC, aimed at the identifying, selecting, training and educating the country’s managerial staff among young talented, active citizens of Kazakhstan.
In the period of 2009-2016 years for participation in the “Youth personnel reserve” project more than 13 000 young people submitted applications, of which 404 people went through open competitive selection, testing, training modules, assessment of professional competencies, internships in various organizations. The participants who passed the competitive selection met with leading representatives of the state administration, business, science, education, public organizations, and the mass media.
The implementation of the project in 2016 also involves the identification, selection, training and upbringing of the country's managerial staff among the young professionals and inclusion in socially significant activities on the three areas:
1. Government service;
2. Business community;
3. Social and political activities.

Selection round passes in several stages:
• Questionnaire completion on the official website of the project, evaluation of the questionnaire according to the formal criteria (age, education, work place, professional skills, intellectual potential assessment, emotional intelligence, essay writing, etc.). According to the results of initial selection, 300 contestants will be admitted to the next stage.
• Logic testing, state language knowledge and psychological picture determining of the participant in the project (the schedule and location place of the testing will be determined after the result announcement of 300 contestants that have passed into the second stage of selection).
• Interviewing on the competency assessment determines 32 the best contestants of the project (2 contestants from each region). Interviewing will conduct in the republic regions by Directorate members, regional coordinators, experts from “Bolashak” Association and “Nur Otan” NDC representatives.

Further contestants pass educational training modules, including lections, seminars, trainings, master-classes, assessment (professional competences assessment) with the invitation of leading domestic and foreign specialists, as well as internships in state and non-state structures.
According to the results of the project 32 contestants who received the highest rating will obtain a certificate and will be enlisted in the personnel reserve, which is the recommendation to consider the reservist promotion for higher positions on admission to the state service, business and social activities.

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