5В072700 "Technology of food products"

Academic degree: Bachelor of Food Technology
The sphere of professional activity of the graduate is the food industry, design, research organizations, enterprises of various forms and types of property.
The objects of professional activity of graduates are enterprises for the production of food products, design institutes, scientific institutions, educational institutions.
Bachelors of the specialty "Technology of food products" - can perform the following types of professional activities:
• organization of management of technological processes; control over observance of technological discipline; improvement of technological operations and participation in the work on the development of resource-saving technological processes in the creation of new products; analysis of technical equipment and production activities of enterprises, taking into account the requirements of ecology, labor protection, fire and explosion safety and industrial sanitation;
• organization of work of labor collectives, adoption of managerial decisions; analysis of technical and economic indicators of enterprises and marketing activities; performance of works on standardization and certification of food products;
• development and design of technological schemes for food industry enterprises and public catering enterprises.
The holders of the university diploma in the specialty "Technology of food products" - bachelors of technology of food products - can work:
• at food industry enterprises;
• at public catering establishments (bars, restaurants, cafes, etc.);
• in the bodies of state supervision of food safety and quality.
The main subjects studied are: "The basics of restaurant technology", "Features of technology of national and foreign cuisine", "Service technology and service", "Processes and devices", "Commodity products", "Food technology fundamentals", "Equipment for food production products "," Technology of food products "," Control and evaluation of raw materials and food products quality ".

Graduates who successfully mastered the educational programs of higher education in the specialty "Technology of food products" and demonstrated a high level of knowledge, a propensity for creative work, can be recommended for further training in magistracy or for teaching activities.

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