Competition among young scientists

Competition among young scientistsInstitute of Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the period from 6 to 17 February 2017 held a competition among young scientists on the issue of redistribution of powers between branches of government.
The competition was attended by students and graduates of the Kazakh Humanitarian Law University, Eurasian National University and Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.
According to the results of the competition were the winners, where the second prize won Kuzmenko E., 2nd year student of the specialty "Jurisprudence", the report "On the eve of the constitutional and legal transformation" (Supervisor c.j.s. Au T.I.)
1 place – IlinaV.O., graduate student of the 1st course of "KazHLU ";
3 place – Abdullah A.B., 3rd year student of the Eurasian National University.


Электронный университет
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