
In the competition for the award of vacant educational grants of the MES group of educational programs of higher education В093 - Restaurant business and hotel business participated, students in 2019 on the basis of post-secondary education on a paid basis at educational program "Restaurant business and hotel business»:
1. Askerov Arystan Askarovich, student group RD-19-4C, GPA is 2.7.
2. Valiakhmetov Azat nurievich, student group RD-19-4C, GPA - 2.77.
3. Mazhitova Madina Sakenkyzy, student group RD-19-4C, GPA - 3.35.
The Academic Council of the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz (Protocol No. 4 of December 29, 2020) adopted a decision:
To apply to the MES on the transfer of the student group RD-19-4C Mazhitova Madina Sakenkyzy for vacant educational grant of the MES group of educational programs of higher education В093 - Restaurant business and hotel business

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