Physical education, sport and health of students

EBOKSARSKY Cooperative Institute (branch)

Russian University of Cooperation

Department of Physical Education and Sport


December 15, 2014

an International correspondence scientific-practical conference

faculty members

Physical education, sport and health of students

It is planned to discuss a wide range of issues related to health students

and injury prevention in the classroom for physical education


To participate in the conference December 15, 2014 to send a scientific article, information about the author and the scanned version of the receipt of payment (see. Appendix). Following the conference will be published collection of materials, and placement of the Scientific Electronic Library

(Russian Science Citation Index).

Articles are made in the editor MicrosoftWord, font Times New Roman, 14, interval 1.0; Options page - margins: left - 3 cm, legal, top, bottom - 2 cm. Alignment of the text width with automatic hyphenation, indention - 1.27 cm. Title of the article is centered in capital letters, a line indicated author's name, uch. degree, academic. title and university. Pages are not numbered. References are given in the text in square brackets. List of sources and literature placed at the end of the article.

To participate in the conference are invited scholars of higher educational institutions, teachers of physical education, sports officials, coaches and all interested persons.


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