The 50th achievements

Dear graduates of Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsouz (KEUK) (former Karaganda Cooperative Institute by Centrosoyuz)

In 2016 K EUK marks the 50th anniversary. We ask you, the graduates of different years, who reach a high results in their work and in their careers, to inform us, as well as to inform our graduates who you communicate with, that we want to obtain information about your achievements.

First of all inform us about:

  • prominent government leader, public persons of Republic Kazakhstan of cities, districts, public organizations etc. (non –CIS countries, neighboring countries) have become a members of parliament of RK (Mazhilis, Senate).
  • heads and senior officers of large state holdings, joint-stock enterprises (Presidents, Vise-Presidents, Director of divisions, General Director, directors and etc.)
  • leaders and prominent educators of RK and other countries(colleagues of Ministry of Education and Science of RK, heads of High Educational Institutions, colleges, Research Institutes, private institutions, Department Chairmen, doctors of sciences, professors).
  • Owners and executive directors of private business entities (establishers, directors, corporate chairmen, heads of the departments and etc.)
  • Patrons and sponsors among University graduates, providing significant financial support over the period of the University activity.
  • Graduates, living and working abroad, having a wish to arrive to the 50th anniversary of their University.

Also we would be grateful if you send:

  • Interesting stories of students’ life and work,
  • Photos of historical value.

Dear graduates, could you, please, inform organizing committee about these graduates, their addresses and telephone numbers, let us know if you want to participate in the commemorative events of the University.

Send the information to:
Fax: 8 (7212) 44 16 32

Ulakov Sairan Nursultanovich
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,
tel.: 8 701 3838 910

Suindykov Zhenisbek Suindykovich
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,
tel.: 8 701 349 3026

Электронный университет
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