Conference "Information technologies and modeling of processes in basic and applied research"

Conference "Information technologies and modeling of processes in basic and applied research"Students and undergraduates of the department of information systems participated in the I International youth school - conference "Information technologies and modeling of processes in basic and applied research", which sostoyalas15-17 December 2016. School-conference was organized by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, together with the Astrakhan State Architecture and Construction University.
The purpose of the school conference - increasing the effectiveness of innovation in solving the urgent problems of our time, as well as providing an interdisciplinary symposium for young scientists, engineers and teachers to discuss the latest trends and practical problems arising from the development and use of information technology and modeling techniques.
Students and undergraduates presented their reports on-line.


Conference "Information technologies and modeling of processes in basic and applied research" Conference "Information technologies and modeling of processes in basic and applied research" Conference "Information technologies and modeling of processes in basic and applied research"
Conference "Information technologies and modeling of processes in basic and applied research" Conference "Information technologies and modeling of processes in basic and applied research"
Электронный университет
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